Property owners partnership “Ochag” was organized by the Construction Organization (the project owner of the construction of the apartment building) on April 03, 2003. Registration of the Property Owners Partnership “Ochag” as a legal entity was performed before the completion of construction of the dwelling house in accordance with legislation norms. In May 2003 after the completion of construction of the house, the initiative group of investors of construction (owners of apartments) organized the first general meeting (minutes No.1 of 13/05/2003) and has elected the administration of the partnership and the chairman of administration of the partnership. The Charter was also approved, corresponding to the Standard Charter (the Standard Charter is approved by the government of the Republic of Belarus).
As a result of a 2-year hard work of the administration it was possible to force the developer of the house according to the pre-trial procedure to complete construction works at the amount of approximately 200 000$, and also to pay compensations to dozens of members of the partnership (minutes of the general meeting No.5 of 11/05/2005). But that was not the end of the conflict with the developer of the house, because in August 2005 the developer has registered at the state agency of Minsk city the ownership right in an isolated room with the area of 450 m2 (technical floor with engineering services at the upper floor of the central part of the building).
The partnership has developed the advocatory strategy for the case concerning the return of the common property of cooperative house ownership. Collective appeals of members of the partnership have been prepared and sent to authorities, mass media. Upon request of the Property owners partnership “Ochag” the Committee for Property has carried out investigations and has detected violations during performance of technical inventarization of disputable room. The developer of the house has written application to the prosecutor’s office for the initiation of the criminal case against chairman of the Property owners partnership “Ochag” for arrogation and hindrance from using the immovable property. The Property owners partnership “Ochag” has lost cases at the economic court of Minsk city and at the appeals instance of the economic court of Minsk city, where the respondent was the State Agency for Immovable Property Registration. Nevertheless in the beginning of 2006 the Cassational Collegiate of the Higher Economic Court of the Republic of Belarus in accordance with the complaint of the Property owners partnership “Ochag” has cancelled the judgement of the court of the first instance, and the case has been presented for reconsideration. The reconsideration of the case at the economic court of Minsk city has also finished not in favour of the Property owners partnership “Ochag”. And only appellation authority consisting of three judges of higher qualificiation, after having performed the visiting session with inspection of the room, and in accordance with application of the Property owners partnership “Ochag” having heard the evidence of technical experts, have cancelled the registration of establishment of the isolated room.
The Property owners partnership “Ochag” also takes active part in the social activities.
In 2007 at the general meeting No.10 of September 25, the decision was made concerning the establishment of an initiative group, which would develop the strategy of sustainable development of the Property owners partnership “Ochag” as a part of “local agenda of the 21st century”.
Participation in Publications: - 06.11.2003 “Trud in Belarus” p. 14 “Build and Shed Tears” about problems in shared construction; - 29.08.2005 weekly publication “Belarusians and market” “And whose protection?” about the lawsuit of the Property owners partnership “Ochag” with the state agency for registration in favour of the developer of the house of 426 sq.m. of common property; - 09.12.2005 “Komsomolskaya Pravda in Belarus” “How does the Property owners partnership threaten to the new house dwellers?” - 25.05.2006 conference hall of the newspaper “Belarus Today” the round table conference. - 23.12.2006 “Belarus Today” Internet-discussion about alterations in apartments. - 16.02.2007 weekly publication “Obozrevatel” (Observer) “Why doesn’t house democracy work?” -30.03.2007 “Life of Polessye” “The house, where we live” about the Property owners partnership “Ochag”. - 17.05.2007 “Gostinniy Dvor” “To live and to rule” about regional conference of heads of Property owners partnerships in Vitebsk city. - 31.05.2007 “Narodnaya Gazeta” in the column “Cover story” – “The house which is ruled by the Superintendant” about the Property owners partnership “Ochag”. - 18.07.2007 “AIF in Belarus” “How to warm the house for free” about the initiative of the Property owners partnership “Ochag” concerning the use of non-traditional energy forms. - 19.07.2007 weekly publication “Domostroy” – “My precinct” about the best precinct of Minsk city (Property owners partnership “Ochag”) with the advertisement of the next publication on how to create a Property owners partnership in every dwelling house. - Magazine “Chief Acountant” No.1 2007 “What are commission remunerations for Property owners partnerships?” - 27.09.2007 Weekly publication “Expressnews” – “Complete Repair according to the order” about the “IWO” experience, Berlin in Belarus - 08.10.2007 Weekly publication “Expressnews” – “Comfort for Money” about the reform of housing and public utilities and the experience of the Property owners partnership “Ochag”.
Participation in defence activity: - initiator of the development and signatures collection under the appeal to the Prime Minister of Belarus concerning alterations to the Housing Code of the Republic of Belarus; - initiator of the development and signatures collection under the appeal to the House of Representatives of the National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus and to the National Center of law project activity concerning alterations to the projected law “On protection of consumers of communal services”; - initiator of development and signatures collection under the appeal to the administration of the president of the Republic of Belarus about the adoption of the normative act about the credits at preferential rate (3% per annum) for financing capital repairs and heating renovation of apartment houses; - initiator of the development and signatures collection to the Ministry of Finances, of Economy, for Taxes and Charges – on development of methodology of accounting in property owners partnerships; - the precedent was created when the Higher Economic Court of the Republic of Belarus has acknowledged the Property owners partnership “Ochag” as an applicable plaintiff in courts about common property of cooperative house ownership; - the precedent was created, when the Higher Economic court of the Republic of Belarus has acknowledged the statement of claim of the Property owners partnership “Ochag” to the state agency about the cancellation of registration of the isolated room by the developer of the house – by virtue of article 1 of the Law “On cooperative house ownership”; - for the first time a legal computer network of data transfer was created in a dwelling house in Minsk city and it was put to technical maintenance by a specialized organization, - the web-site http:/ochag7.narod.ru is No.1-2 in the Google rating concerning the search of words “Property owners partnerships” - employees of the Property owners partnership “Ochag” are lecturers of courses of advanced training of managers of dwelling houses of the Institute of Advanced Training of the Belarusian National Technical University of Minsk city (they have taken an active part in the development of the program of advanced training).
TS "Ochag" http://ochag7.narod.ru
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